Prague headquarters

Prague headquarters office entry

The Mykologický sborník journal

Color photos in the Mykologický sborník journal

Mushroom Advice Centre at work

Public lecture preparation - determination of fungi

Public fungi exhibition

Traditional spring public action in the Český kras Protected Landscape Area

Serpula lacrymans
common destroyer of indoor wood materials
Mailing address
Česká mykologická společnost, o.s.
Karmelitská 14
118 00 Praha 1 – Malá Strana
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 257 530 842
Email contacts
General matters:
Mushrooms advice desk:
Editors of Mykologický Sborník:
Office hours
Monday 9:00 – 12:00 a.m. and 2:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Thursday 9:00 – 12:00 a.m.
About us
The Czech Mycological Society was founded by mycologists František Smotlacha and Rudolf Veselý as the Czechoslovak Mycological Society in 1921 and is thus one of the oldest of its kind in Europe. It focuses primarily on exploration of the so-called Larger Fungi (macromycetes) in the Czech Republic. Its activities are directed mainly to prevention of mushroom poisoning, uses of edible mushrooms, conservation of fungi, and to wildlife protection in general.
As an umbrella organisation, the Society is the home of fungi enthusiasts, collectors of edible mushrooms, amateur mycologists and nature lovers. Our members are also engaged in educational and advisory activities towards the broad public. We have more than 40 branches, mycological circles and clubs throughout the country. We maintain fruitful cooperation with similar domestic and foreign associations and with specialised mycological institutions.
The highest governing body of the Society is the General Meeting of Members. Regular general meetings are convened once a year by a 15-member Executive Board which administrates the matters of the Society in the period between two general meetings. The Board elects members of its presidium.
President: Mr. Jaroslav Landa
Vice President: Mr. Radim Dvořák
General Secretary: Mr. Lubomír Opat
Treasurer: Mr. Filip Zíka
Useful contacts to Executive Board members
Editor-In-Chief of Mykologický Sborník:
Mr. Jaroslav Landa
Library and International Publication Exchanges:
Mr. Bohumil Bušek
Webmaster: Mr. Radim Dvořák
The Mykologický Sborník journal
The Czech Mycological Society issues a specialised print medium called Mykologický Sborník (Articles in Mycology). The magazine was founded by mycologist František Smotlacha and academician Bohumil Němec in 1919 as Časopis českých a slovenských houbařů (Journal of Czech and Slovak Mushroom Collectors). It has been published regularly ever since (except for a short interruption during World War II) and is thus not only the oldest magazine dedicated to mycology in this country but one of the oldest in the whole world.
It has currently 4 issues (numbers) per year in Czech with English summaries of the main articles. It includes full-colour front and back covers as well as a 4-page inside photo section.
It is structured as follows:
- Editorial – a leading article on hot topics and current issues
- Main articles – specialised contributions on interesting and rare species of macromycetes as well as on events of special significance
- Varied articles – information on important dates and events, mycological forays, public presentations and exhibitions, contributions from he Society’s clubs, branches and individual members, as well as recipes of mushroom meals, etc.
Mykologický Sborník is subscribed to by some major Czech and international libraries and scientific institutions. It is provided to CAB International for the purpose of indexing and abstracting in the CAB and Global Health databases.
Ordering information
Mykologický Sborník can be subscribed to by Czech and foreign nationals and institutions. Orders can be made of complete new volumes of the magazine and of those issued since 1990 to date that are still available in the headquarters of the Society for distribution.
When ordering please contact the Society’s secretariat by mail at the mailing address above (diacritical marks may be omitted) or by email at . Do not forget to include the following details in your application:
- Year(s) and volume(s) of the magazine you wish to order
- Your name and "send-to" address including zip/postal code and country name (please include the old address if different from the previous year)
- Your current customer account number if any
- Your shipment date preference (see below)
All subscriptions must be pre-paid. After your application is processed you will receive a unique customer account number from us. Please state that number for reference when making a payment. Payments are accepted by a bank transfer to account No. 2401853695 / 2010, IBAN: CZ6820100000002401853695, BIC: FIOBCZPPXXX. We have a new bank account sice 2021.
The current yearly subscription fee, incl. VAT, shipping and handling:
- CZK 150 (Czech Republic)
- € 15 (EU)
- € 20 (non-EU and overseas)
The magazine is supplied on a per-issue basis or on a calendar-year basis depending on the customer's preference. It is sent to destination through the Czech Post in accordance with its terms and conditions. The prices and supply dates are subject to change without notice.
Mushroom Advice Centre
Office hours - Prague headquarters
- Mondays: 9:00 - 12:00 a.m., 14:00 - 16:00 p.m.
- Tuesdays and Thursdays: 9:00 - 12:00 a.m.
This special section of the Society, located in its Prague-based headquarters, was founded in 1909 already. It is designed to provide visitors with practical information concerning edibility and uses of wild-growing and cultivated mushrooms.
Those interested can bring mushrooms they have found and have them identified on the spot for a small fee or, in off-hours, leave them in a special box on the ground floor of the building, or mail them in a suitable wrapper to the Society's office mailing address mentioned above. Consultancy on mushrooms is provided also by email at but advice seekers must be aware that identification of fungi species on the basis of photo images only is difficult if not impossible or at least unreliable.
Public lectures
Every year two cycles of lectures for the public are organized – the spring cycle (March - June) and the autumn cycle (October - December). The lectures are held in Czech language.
The main lecture themes are variable, e.g. about a specific fungi groups, research on interesting localities, edible and poisonous fungi, culinary use of fungi, fungi and nature in photography, etc.
The visitors can bring fresh fungi there for determination. The fungi are then presented by our team of experts with additional information like edibility, conservation status, distinguishing from similar species, and then let to circulate among the crowd to enable a closer acquaintance.
You can find the program here.
The Society has a long-standing tradition of organising exhibitions of fresh wild-growing mushrooms. Such public shows are educational and usually comprise hundreds of exhibits – representing most of the species that can be found during the current season in Czech forests, meadows and gardens. They take place mostly in September and October, the months of highest growth of fungi, at various venues throughout the country. Search for updates at the web section Myko akce.
Laboratory of wood destroyers
The laboratory, which is based at the Society's headquarters in Prague, provides the service of surveying of buildings or parts of buildings, especially wood structures or elements, for damage caused by wood destroyers (wood-rotting fungi, wood-destroying insects, moulds) including specification of types of decay and proposals for suitable cure, protection and wood conservation measures.
Scope of service
- On-site inspection of buildings and structures, proposing of probe-drill wood tests
- Laboratory analysis of delivered wood samples, fruit-bodies or mycelium of wood-rotting fungi
- Laboratory analysis of delivered wood samples for moulds, including on-site collection of samples
- Providing of expert opinion and reports including proposed solutions
We offer our services to
- Owners of residential premises, family homes, holiday cottages, cabins and agricultural farms
- Governmental and municipal authorities, especially to monument protection agencies
- Building design and construction companies
You can reach us by phone or mail using the contact information of the Society's office in Prague. You can also come personally during the office hours and bring samples of wood materials for analysis. Prices are subject to agreement according to the respective type and scope of service. We will make a quote on the basis of specific customer requirements.